Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Freshman gets creative, gets debate ticket

"Does anyone have a ticket to the debate? I'll vote for you! No, this is not a Halloween costume," were the words on Drexel freshman Tyler Piecara's handmade cardboard sign as he roamed the Korman Quad.

Good thing he happened to cross paths with Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell.

"Just remind me that you are the guy with the sign- I'll remember," said Rendell.

Dean of students Dave Ruth and John Cook talked with Piecara after Rendell left. They told him they would work out how to get tickets for he and up to three of his friends.

"I guess I was just at the right place at the right time," Piecara said.
"I'm a democrat and I just want to hear what everyone has to say about the issues. I think it's really cool that the debates are coming to Drexel, so I figured I might as well try to get a ticket for it."

-Caitlin Gray, Triangle Staff Writer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just like the liberal left allow a panhandler to get four tickets to the debate while the students who went through the proper channels are left out in the cold. Just another example of why liberalism is destroying this country.